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What can I give on Treasure It?You can give pretty much anything on Treasure It. You never know what someone else might want or need! You cannot give drugs, alcohol, or anything illegal. We ask that you also do not give pets or animals. Please do not give anything infested with pests. You can also give services on Treasure It but remember that anything offered must be totally free. For example, you could offer to walk a neighbor's dog, pick up a package for them, or give thirty minutes of time to share your expertise on something specific.
What information should I include in my gift?When creating your gift on Treasure It, you'll be prompted to include photos and a description of each item you are giving. It's best practice to include details such as measurements and the condition of each gift. Each gift can also include info on your cross-streets and how people have to express interest in the gift.
What can I ask for on Treasure It?Asking for things that are legal in your area is okay. Asking for anything illegal, drugs (even if legal in your locality), and alcohol is not allowed. You also cannot ask for recommendations for specific products or services on Treasure It - only for things that can be given freely and do not promote a business. Remember, it never hurts to ask and you never know what someone might be able to give!
What should I include in my in-search-of post?Including as many details as possible will help your neighbors figure out if they have what you're looking for. We recommend including any important specifics such as size, colors, or ingredients that would impact whether or not you would accept the item your neighbors are offering.
Can I ask to borrow something on Treasure It?Sure! Just specify in your post that you are looking to borrow (not keep) whatever it is you are looking for. And, once you've borrowed it, be prompt about returning the item when you agreed to do so.
Nobody wanted my gift. Can I repost it?Yes, you are welcome to gifts again. Someone new might see it and be interested in the item!
Why should I use Treasure It?There are so many great reasons to uses Treasure It! A few of our favorites are to help your neighbors, spend less money at big box retailers, and keep perfectly good stuff out of the trash.
What is the waitlist?Right now, we're still in a testing stage and we have a waitlist to ensure that all users are part of an active neighborhood. When there's enough interest in a new neighborhood, we'll add the neighborhood to Treasure It.
Why did you build Treasure It?We built Treasure It because we see a need for opportunities to connect neighbors at a truly local level. We're starting in NYC and a neighborhood here can have thousands of residents in just a few blocks. Our focus is on creating a space for those neighbors to help each other - giving and asking for stuff, for free - and maybe building some IRL community along the way.
What are Treasure It's future plans?Our focus for now is on building a great user experience that makes it easy to give and ask for stuff. Our next goal is expanding across NYC. We're really excited about this community of people who care and we want to build the features that you want. We look forward to seeing how Treasure It evolves over time!
Is Treasure It a b-corporation?We're not big enough to be any kind of corporation at the moment. That said, we do align with B Lab's social mission and it's something we're interested in if we ever get to that scale (fingers crossed!).
How does Treasure It make money?To be honest, right now, we don't. But we have to pay rent somehow and finding ways to earn money is part of the plan. We're not quite sure what that looks like yet - maybe it's classified ads, maybe it's premium features, maybe it's an idea we haven't had yet - but we are sure that the core functionality (giving and asking your neighbors for free stuff) will not change and will always be free to use. ​ If you like what we're doing and want to give us a few dollars, you can do so here. Thank you!!
What neighborhoods is Treasure It in? Why isn't my neighborhood on Treasure It?We're still rolling out to all of the neighborhoods with the goal of being everywhere in NYC by the end of the year. ​Let us know that you're interested by signing up here and we'll let you know once your neighborhood is online.
How are neighborhoods defined?It's pretty loose right now tbh. Eventually, as our user base grows, we'll tighten up the neighborhood boundaries. Keeping things hyper-local is part of our mission to both foster connection and facilitate gifting.
How can I share my idea for how to improve Treasure It?We love feedback. Please let us know your idea here. Thanks in advance!
My question wasn't answered. How can I contact you?Reach out here. We look forward to hearing from you!
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