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We're so glad you're here!

Why Treasure It?

Approximately 12,000 tons of trash is generated every day in NY. And a lot of the stuff heading to the landfill is in good shape; it could find a new home. After all, one person's trash is another person's treasure. Our goal is to connect neighbors to share stuff with each other. â€‹We want to help real life people, the people in your neighborhood, find things they need​​ and give away the things they don't. 


Things on Treasure It are given freely - there's no purchase or exchange. This keeps items in use and we hope it saves you some money too. Our focus is on making it as easy as possible to give and receive items 


We're really excited about Treasure It and we hope you are too. We need 40 people in a neighborhood before we can bring it online. Join our waitlist to let us know which neighborhoods want Treasure It.  

Get in Touch

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